Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Electric skies

I find myself looking at the sky a lot. Nothing special about that; I'm sure most people do.

Even here in Southern California, where the sky is blue so much of the time, there can be subtle differences as the seasons change. Whereas a month ago, the sky was nothing but unbroken blue, the start of autumn has guaranteed there are often whispy clouds and contrails - making for much more interesting sunsets now.

Living in a city of palm trees, there's always a pretty photo to be taken. In the past, I've been frustrated at trying to capture those palms and pretty skies... without them being obscured by the millions of power lines around us. This year, my attitude has shifted and I've embraced those power lines. There's no point trying to pretend they don't exist. The tangles of lines which criss-cross the boulevards, follow the alleys, and frame the horizon, are now something that I have fun with.


  1. The lines have a symmetry and beauty all their own, don't they? I think almost anything can be photographed to look absolutely fabulous - exhibit A being the pics above!

    I too like how the sky changes from season to season. We've been having some awesome skies at sunset and sunrise although I am seldom in a position to photograph them. They usually presage dramatic weather changes, the kind that Melbourne does all too well.

    1. I loved those Melbourne skies (went they weren't just grey and windy)! Our flat in St Kilda was one floor up, so we'd see some amazing clouds rolling in from the bay before storms.

  2. I forgot to add - I love the birds. I am a Hitchcock fan you know. =)

    1. I'm a big Hitchcock fan too. I could probably quote Rear Window and Vertigo (hearing James Stewart crying, "Madeleine!" - swoon), line by line.

      There at least twice as many of these crows, and moments earlier, they'd all been in the sky, chasing and attacking an unfortunate hawk. I guess it must have targeted one of their young? Anyway, it was a sight to see!

  3. Embrace the lines, yes!

    I love your sky photography. And I think looking up IS special. You have taught me to do it. I am now a regular purveyor of cloud porn. True story. xx
