Monday, April 25, 2011

Colour and munch

The Easter Bunny has been, and that can only mean one thing.

Spring is well and truly here.

Spring means it's time to paint toenails - my one concession to girliness.

It also happens to be April 25 - Anzac Day - even though we're almost a day behind Australia.

That means it's time for some homemade Anzac biscuits...

Although, any time is a good time for Anzac biscuits.



  1. LOVE.

    I see what you did with the top photo. I see the set decorating and the just-so composition.


  2. So contrived, I know! You got me...

  3. Contrived schmived. I love it. I love when things are just-so.

    Bleubird Blog? Sets up all her gorgeous photos. Just the right stuffed toy is placed in just the right spot. It's called art, man!
